The all-rounder with dust and removal protection
Our base version for securing loads properly. Equipped with a continuously adjustable power-stretch-system EFO 01 as a standard feature.
Capacity up to 100 pallets/hour. Our fully-automatic rotary arm machines series A 5000 have been designed for the highest performance range and can be integrated into any commercially available transport system.
Innovative technology
Our fully-automatic rotary arm machines series "A 5000" are designed for the upper performance range and can be integrated into any conventional transport system. Equipped with a continuously adjustable power-stretch-system as a standard feature.
Available with an upstream top-sheet dispenser for protection against dust or removal, and for weatherproof packaging available with an integrated top-sheet dispenser. Extensive and especially user-friendly basic equipment. More than 1000 installations in all different kinds of industries.
Intuitive operation
To use the full potential of a machine a sophisticated user interface, and a simple and especially ergonomic handling is a must. We have solved this task successfully with our operating concept based on a SIEMENS touch-panel. Apart from the regular machine operations more information such as stretch film consumption, number of wrapped pallets, and maintenance intervals are available at any time.
Guaranteed satisfaction
Exceptionally sturdy, durable, and flexible. Built for a lifetime of at least 15 years. STREMA® machines might be replaced after 15 or more years, but they never will be discarded. Even our used machines are in great demand and achieve top prices. The exclusive use of standard components from the most well-known manufacturers guaranties your independency. Service and support directly from us gives you security.
Outstanding features
The outstanding functional features, which are already standard equipped and pay for themselves in daily use include for example the upstream top-sheet dispenser, for protection against dust and/or removal, available as draw off application (intermittent – pallet must stop) or run through application (applied as pallet passes through).